Northampton Voters say YES! to 1% sales tax for school renovation.

On November 3, 2020 Northampton County voters said YES! to a 1% sales tax increase in order to help fund the school renovation project. The question on the ballot read:
Should the Board of Supervisors be authorized to impose an additional general sales tax in an amount not to exceed one percent (1%) in order to provide revenue solely for purpose of financing capital projects for public school purposes, including, without limitation, the design, renovation, equipping, modernizing, replacement, construction and expansion of the Northampton Middle/High School Complex, said tax to expire on January 15, 2040, the date upon which the repayment of that certain general obligation school bond dated October 26, 2019 is due? [ ]YES [ ]NO
The Election Results state: 71% or 4,658 voters voted yes to this question.
What Will Be Taxed?
For applicable items, sales tax will increase from 5.3% to 6.3% if purchased in Northampton County. Examples of items that this tax will affect are:
Fast food/restaurant items
Fishing Supplies
"Specifically, this tax will help to provide the funding needed to modernize our high school, add a middle school, and build our capacity to update our elementary schools in future years!"
This referendum only applies to the sales tax and does not involve real estate taxes. This sales tax does NOT apply to:
Prescription & over the counter medications
Automobile/farm equipment purchases
Property or real estate
Any other items which do not currently have a sales tax
For more information on how the sales tax is applied visit the YES for Northampton Schools website.