3rd Annual Eastern Shore Housing Summit
Register (FREE)
September 24, 2021
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mary Nottingham Smith
Cultural Arts and Education Center
I. Welcome and Addresses
a. Introduction of the Governor - Senator Lynwood Lewis
b. "The Importance of Housing on The Eastern
- Governor Ralph Northam
c. Invited Guests & Local Officials
- Delegate Rob Bloxom
- Accomack County Officials
- Northampton Officials
II. Presenter - Timothy Klont (Invited)
- Local Initiatives
Support Corporation
III. Introduction of Participants
IV. Reviewing the Goals of the Coalition and the Tasks that we have Completed.
a. Goal 1 - Comprehensive Plan Update - Charles Kolakwoski
Northampton County Administrator
b. Goal 2 - Regional Housing Study Update - Elaine Meil
Executive Director A-N PDC
c. Goal 3 - Local Capacity Building for Developers - Chris Thompson
Strategic Housing, Virginia Housing
d. Goal 4 - Zoning and Land Use Review & Initiatives Northampton County
e. Goal 5 - Establishing a Shore Presence for Key Programs
- USDA Rural Development
- Weatherization Assistance Program
f. Goal 6 – Eastern Shore Delegation to Richmond
V. Facilitated Session – Guiding Question
a. What kinds of specific activity that can increase the housing stock in the next
b. What resources should be available to make it happen?