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Wastewater summits were held on the Eastern Shore of Virginia under the leadership of Delegate Lynwood Lewis and the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development. County and town officials attended both summits and spoke with the state and federal agency representatives about wastewater issues and means of funding solutions to the wastewater issues.

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The Town of Exmore requested to meet with the County to explore a “regional” approach that would qualify for grant funding from the federal and state agencies, which the state and federal agencies were willing to consider “regional” as at least one town and one county.

Planning Grants

Through continued discussion in the northern end of the county, the Towns of Exmore and Nassawadox in conjunction with the County agreed to apply for a regional planning grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VA DHCD). An application was submitted at the end of December 2009 and the grant was awarded in January 2010 for the area identified as the “Northern Node”.

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